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In the seven years since we have been around, we have always believed software development is more than a way to deliver features… And we have learned that great software products take more than the lines of code within them. World changing technology takes a solid vision, impeccable understanding of the customer and a fruitful collaboration between an array of allies. And our true role is to guide technology businesses through the pursuit of value.

How you do that effectively has always been a question on our minds. We believe we have found the answer. We believe we have found the best collaborative mechanics to bring about the software technology that will pioneer new groundbreaking ideas. We are standing on the shoulders of giants in that respect and we have no intention on going anywhere. We never want to just produce software products ever again. As we are turning seven it feels like the responsible thing to do. We have been fortunate to have worked with many pioneers who have helped us shape our thinking

obecto-team.pngWe are now coming out with our long held beliefs and making a statement on how we believe is the right way to work with clients. A new website. It is not simply a visual redesign but rather the home-coming for our true identity as a company and as creators of technology.

The new exciting approach to software development and our services is all about designing the perfect collaboration. We needed to find it because we could no longer accept the dark abyss that divides business thinkers and technology builders. Only bridging it and fostering collaboration can create the circumstances for products that change the world.

As a result, we have organised our services into three packages. They derive from the ideas behind the three philosophies and methods of work we believe currently bring about what is necessary to create technology. Lean Startup, Scrum and Kanban. All genious in their own right, they need to be applied with a careful hand to the right context.

For the creation of minimum viable products we have the Lean Week, an action-packed week of collaboration, combining the best of lean and customer development techniques. For the creation of what lays beyond the validation, we have the disciplined SCRUM Sprints, where we mix product ownership with stable teams who plan, iterate, review and improve quality. For the existing products, where customers become the stakeholder to watch and listen to, we have Kanban SLA, where the boards, the service level agreements, and the promise to always look for improvements, provides the peace of mind and healthy future of your established product.

So come on over, have a look at our new home. We believe we have created something authentic and beautiful together. Just like the kind of future we want to head towards.

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