Kanban SLA

Platforms in production that are exiting the phase of active development require ongoing maintenance, monitoring and evolution where tasks emerge and need to be addressed on demand

After your product has gone in production and exits the phase of focused construction,
the project might require ongoing maintenance, monitoring and evolution.
Usually tasks emerge and need to be addressed on demand. To meet such needs we offer
the Kanban SLA service that allows you to have our support during the next stages
of evolution of your business and product.

Projects under Kanban SLA

Content Management System, Search Engine

CAN Browser

CanBrowser is one of our Swedish customers. The project was commissioned by the founder of Kvaser who aims at driving global collaboration and standardisation within the CAN-bus (Controller Area Network) industry and the CAN-bus community of engineers.

Crowd-Sourcing Platform


CleverTogether is a crowd-sourcing platform which helps managers run their companies better by crowdsourcing ideas how to improve their organisation from within. It's mainly used by the healthcare sector in the UK, but the technology is suitable for almost any industry vertical.

HTML5, SPA, Search Engine

Car Detective

Car Detective is a platform that aids sellers of second-hand cars in Germany. It allows sellers to monitor their ads published across the major German online marketplaces, and also get a comprehensive comparison between their offers and offers for similar vehicles published by others. The comparison functionality is also used by Insurance Experts looking for objective market value of a given vehicle.

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