Scrum Sprints

With smart product ownership, stable teams, technology excellence & disciplined and focused application of the agile practices our SCRUM Sprints deliver

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    Quality improvements that go hand in hand with faster output

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    Apart from speed, also better predictability

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    Built products that customers need rather than churning features

How it works

Typical SCRUM Project Timeline

Typical SCRUM Sprints project usually takes at least 2 months (4 x 2-week Sprints) preceded by a preparation work or demo sprint


Typical 2-week SCRUM Sprint

Each SCRUM Sprint is exactly 2 weeks long (in some cases exactly 1 week).
Planning & Review meetings require active engagement and participation of the client. Also there's the daily standup meeting for the team and the Product Owner.

SCRUM Sprints & New Realeases

Depending on the specifics of the project we can:

  • Do releases at the end of each Sprint
  • Have planned releases independent of SCRUM events schedule, allocating planned time within the Sprints
  • Work in parallel on 2 versions - wrapping up a releae version, while part of the teamt started working on the next one

Scrum Sprint Projects

E-commerce platform

Buy and Sell Ireland

Advertised on more than 2000 billboards across the whole of Ireland, the Buy and Sell Ireland e-Commerce platform is the B2C project, that our team developed sofar, with greatest outreach to end users.

News Media Platform, Mobile-First


Newstag is a startup that aims at revolutionising the global distribution of high-quality media, news and other time-sensitive video content. From the start it was clear such an ambitious idea requires a non-trivial synergy of innovative development practices and technical solutions.

B2B/B2C Platform


The HiredByMe project is one of the most stable projects that we have at Obecto. An example for scope based on solid strategy, stability of requirements, precise Sprint planning, complete platform end-to-end tests and a high level of technical cooperation and colaboration on the business level.

Content Management System, Search Engine

CAN Browser

CanBrowser is one of our Swedish customers. The project was commissioned by the founder of Kvaser who aims at driving global collaboration and standardisation within the CAN-bus (Controller Area Network) industry and the CAN-bus community of engineers.

B2C Platform, Process Automation

Universum Talent Networks

Obecto, working directly with Universum - a global leader in the Employer Branding and Talent Sourcing, designed and developed a scalable and extensible, industry-strength platform. The development process was staged and the comprising systems were developed separately. The strong, holistic architectural approach applied by Obecto in each stage of the project helped to integrate all individual systems without friction and keep the platform consistent.

A word from our clients

I had 10 SCRUM Sprints with Obecto in 2011.
4 Years later, together we continue using the SCRUM
Sprints for all my customers.

Bernd Anderer CEO at ALP Services GmbH

The SCRUM Sprints with Obecto has helped us to swiftly respond
to the rapid changes and developments in the digital media ecosystem.

Henrik Eklund CEO/Founder at Newstag

Since May 2014, we’ve done together over 30 SCRUM Sprints with Obecto.
The level of collaboration is so good, it feels like we are one single team.

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